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Beginner mistakes made by hairstrokes artists

Feb 28, 2024, Update: Feb 28, 2024, author: Hairstrokes.com / Holistic PMU
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"Entering the hairstrokes industry requires careful consideration. While it may appear glamorous and profitable initially, the reality is often more nuanced. This article aims to reveal the true nature of the industry, debunk myths, and provide honest insights."

1. Background

This article is based on interviews with 61 seasoned professionals in powder brows, microblading, and hairstrokes. These artists have made significant achievements in the hairstrokes sector, with 48 having more than three years of experience. Most are from European countries, with only six outside the EU, including the UK and the US. There's a notable consistency in their practices and experiences, irrespective of their geographic locations. The research underpinning this article was conducted from 2018 to 2024, showcasing a dedication to ongoing education and progress in this evolving field.

Grasping the realities of the brow business is essential. This article differentiates between the illusion of fame and the effort required to succeed. Much like passionate football fans may idolize a famous player such as Ronaldo, aspiring beauty artists often admire industry leaders. However, simply emulating a renowned figure doesn't ensure success or recognition. We aim to clarify the brow business, separating its glamorous image from the foundational work needed for success.

2. Reality check

Preparing for startup challenges is similar to starting a new business. Introducing powder brows, microblading, or hairstrokes services can bring excitement and challenges to the local beauty scene. Before starting, assessing the demand for these specialized services is vital. This is crucial for both newcomers and established professionals looking to expand. This guide offers advice on evaluating market demand, a critical step in any business plan.’

For those thinking of adding powder brows, hairstrokes, or microblading to their services or considering a career change, evaluating the potential for success and the possibility of operating without external financing is important. The economic reality of being an artist in this field may be more challenging than it appears. The industry might seem glamorous, but the reality involves hard work and financial investment. Understanding the industry's true nature and preparing for potential obstacles are critical steps in pursuing a successful career.

3. Three typical mistakes

Newcomers often make specific errors, categorized into three main areas: the allure of glamour, overestimating organic demand, and misunderstandings about repeat business. These mistakes can significantly affect a new artist's success.

The glamour trap. Many new artists are drawn to the industry's perceived glamour, leading to unrealistic expectations about the work and the effort required for success. Overestimating organic demand is another error. New artists might assume a high service demand without proper market research. Misunderstanding repeat business is also typical. Newcomers may not realize how crucial repeat clients are for a sustainable business model.

The following sections will discuss these mistakes, their causes, and how to avoid them for a successful career in the business.

4. Mistake 1: The illusion of glamour

Social media can create a misleading image of the brow industry, showcasing a life of glamour, success, and allure that may not reflect most professionals' reality.

Influence of international “Superstars”

Assessing the success of international “superstar” artists is challenging. Without concrete financial data, the lavish lifestyles portrayed on social media can be deceptive.

Understanding that the success of these artists may not directly impact your business is crucial. Focusing on the local market and meeting the needs of potential clients is more beneficial for your business strategy.

The "Ronaldo" effect

Imitation is expected in the hairstrokes, powder brows, and microblading industry, similar to how fans emulate famous athletes. Recognizing the difference between genuine success and mere imitation is essential.

Local "superstars" often mimic the styles and techniques of well-known industry figures. However, it's essential to understand that these local artists, often viewed as highly successful, may not achieve their perceived financial success. This misconception is frequently based on the glamorous image portrayed on social media rather than actual financial achievements.

5. Facts vs. fiction

Investigating financial claims requires a deeper look into artists' earnings in the hairstrokes, powder brows and microblading industry. The income glamorized as significant is often below average once taxes are accounted for. Despite claims of high earnings, some artists face challenging financial situations.

The notion of artists earning excessive cash, similar to 1930s mobsters, is essentially a myth. The reality shows many artists do not achieve the financial success they portray, evidenced by their living situations. Studies across the EU show that artists frequently rent their homes, lease their cars, and lack significant savings, contradicting the idea that their earnings translate into wealth.

This emphasizes the need to look beyond appearances. The lack of evidence for unreported significant cash earnings suggests a more straightforward truth: many artists do not make substantial money.

Evaluating local market earnings critically is vital for those considering a career in this industry. Understanding the financial landscape helps avoid overestimating potential earnings and ensures decisions are based on realistic expectations.

6. Mistake 2: Misjudging the demand

Understanding the demand for powder brows, hairstrokes, or microblading services. Overestimating international demand can mislead local business prospects. The popularity of these services in distant markets does not necessarily impact local demand.

Importance of local demand

Success in this industry depends on a deep understanding of your local market. Claims of attracting global clients are often exaggerated. Most customer bases won't extend beyond a 100-mile radius, highlighting the importance of focusing on local demand.

The phrase "Build it and they will come," misquoted from "Field of Dreams," illustrates a common misconception. Offering a service does not guarantee customer interest. A successful business launch requires strategy and marketing to engage customers.

The mistake of just asking

Relying on feedback from friends, family, and clients can be misleading. Positive responses are often polite rather than genuine indicators of interest. Testing demand through social media campaigns offers a more accurate measure of interest, with financial commitments from clients serving as a reliable indicator of genuine demand.

7. Mistake 3: Misunderstanding service

Newcomers may view services like hairstrokes as highly lucrative, but the reality may not meet these expectations. Services are essential "painkillers" or discretionary "vitamins." While hairstrokes enhance appearance, they are more discretionary than essential, falling closer to the "vitamin" category. Misjudging these services as crucial can lead to unrealistic expectations and disappointment. Understanding the discretionary nature of these services is essential for setting realistic business goals.

Overestimation of frequency

Evaluating services based on usage frequency is crucial for assessing their potential success. Services range from daily necessities like food and housing to infrequent needs such as moving help or shoulder surgery. Generally, services needed frequently and deemed essential tend to offer more reliable income streams, while those less frequent and non-essential may provide less financial stability.

In powder brows, hairstrokes, and microblading, these services are typically sought about once per year. This frequency is less than regular beauty services such as hairdressing or nail care but more frequent than one-off procedures like breast augmentation.

Understanding this annual recurrence is vital for setting realistic income expectations for powder brows, hairstrokes, and microblading services. Acknowledging that client return rates will not match those of more frequently sought beauty services is critical to accurately developing a feasible business plan and managing income forecasts.

8. Conclusions

The allure of entering the powder brows, hairstrokes, or microblading business is often clouded by misconceptions, many amplified by social media. This scenario is akin to young football enthusiasts aspiring to be the next Ronaldo, where emulating the actions of a few successful individuals does not guarantee similar success.

The Glamour Trap

Newcomers may be drawn to the perceived glamour of the industry, influenced by social media "superstars." It's essential to understand that the success of these individuals does not equate to guaranteed success on a local level. The image of success portrayed by local "copycats" can be misleading, often not supported by substantial financial evidence. The notion of unreported cash earnings significantly contributing to business income is essentially a myth in 2024.

Overestimating Organic Demand

A standard error is the overvaluation of demand based on international trends. The market for such services typically spans no more than 100 miles from one's location. The belief that merely offering a service will attract customers is misguided. Genuine interest is best gauged through targeted social media campaigns that allow potential clients to demonstrate their willingness to pay.

Misunderstanding the Business Nature

New artists may incorrectly categorize their service as an essential "painkiller," whereas it is more of a discretionary "vitamin." Furthermore, the expectation for the frequency of client visits is often overestimated. Recognizing the discretionary nature and frequency of services like powder brows, hairstrokes, or microblading is crucial for setting realistic business objectives.

Acknowledging these common mistakes is essential for anyone looking to succeed in the semi-permanent makeup industry. By understanding market realities, actual service demand, and the true nature of the business, new artists can establish realistic expectations and strategies, paving the way for a sustainable and successful career.
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Wednesday, Feb 28, 2024

Another excellent piece. Read this and then read the longer version. Excellent and practical material!

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Hairstrokes.com is a Powderbrows.com LLC company. It serves as the premier resource for material related to Hairstrokes - the most natural technique for creating brow pigmentation. For collaboration opportunities, contact us here.
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