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Stepping into the brow business as a newcomer

Mar 08, 2024, Update: Mar 08, 2024, author: Hairstrokes.com / Holistic PMU
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"Breaking into the beauty industry, especially in areas like powder brows, hairstrokes, or microblading, is more complex than being welcomed with open arms. Achieving success in this field goes beyond having talent and artistic skills; it demands unwavering determination and a thorough grasp of the competitive landscape. Let go of illusions and be prepared to work tirelessly, differentiate your offerings, and tackle the market pragmatically. "

1. Background

This piece is informed by insights from 121 interviews with 84 brow artists who found success in various locations within their first 18 months of moving into the brow industry from other careers. This includes 67 artists from the EU, nine from the UK, and five from the US, with research spanning from 2020 to 2023 and some extending into 2024. The focus was on customer satisfaction and marketing techniques but also highlighted the mindset needed to thrive in powder brows, hairstrokes, and microblading amid fluctuating market conditions.

The goal here is to share actionable advice from those who've navigated their way to success, offering new entrants strategies to conserve time and effort, particularly in markets witnessing a slump in demand.

2. Position as an Underdog

Entering the competitive landscape

Joining the world of powder brows, hairstrokes, or microblading means you're stepping into an already bustling and competitive sphere. You're not filling an urgent void but adding your services to a sea of existing ones.

As a newcomer, you embody the underdog, seeking to carve out your niche among established competitors. Launching your business in this arena doesn't respond to a pressing need for more artists; instead, it's about making your mark where others have already laid their groundwork. Essentially, you're entering a field that's well-catered to without a clear gap for you to fill.

Embracing the challenge

Facing off against established entities in your area is a daunting yet necessary part of your journey. To stand out, your offerings must be compelling enough to draw customers away from those with a solid track record. Without an established portfolio or clientele, convincing clients to choose you over seasoned professionals is a significant hurdle.

3. Training and trainers

Scrutinizing marketing claims

Many trainers still resort to manipulative tactics, creating an illusion of quick success post-training. They may suggest a direct link between training completion and financial success, a correlation that hardly exists in reality. Skills alone don't guarantee monetary gains.

Despite what trainers might promise about filling a significant gap in the market with their powder brows, hairstrokes, or microblading courses, the truth is you're entering as an underdog needing to disrupt the status quo.

The reality behind the "Generous Trainer"

It's common for trainers, who may also compete in your target market, to seem supportive. However, their motivations are complex. Given the choice, clients naturally opt for services from an experienced professional over a novice. This analogy extends to choosing a surgeon based on their track record, highlighting new practitioners' challenge in convincing clients to trust them over more established alternatives.

Our investigations reveal that "enough customers for everyone" is misleading. Trainers' claims of being overbooked or shifting focus solely to training often don't hold up, revealing a competitive edge where they're likely to keep most clients to themselves. Understanding market dynamics and crafting a business strategy that acknowledges these competitive realities is crucial for any new entrant.

4. Leverage Your Price Advantage

Using Price as a Strategic Tool

Remember to consider the effectiveness of a pricing strategy when you're new to the scene. While veteran brands may hesitate to lower prices, offering discounts or special promotions as a newcomer can be brilliant. It's an opportunity to expand your portfolio and draw in clients. Be genuine about your availability; seize that chance if you can accept bookings on the same day!

Price, indeed, can be your ally. Ignore those marketing strategies aimed at well-established companies that advise against lowering prices. At this crucial stage, offering deals, such as 50% off to potential models, can only benefit you by filling the time you'd otherwise spend waiting passively.

The Impact of Being Proactively Engaged

Reach out to your network for referrals and offer free services to anyone with the potential to enhance your portfolio. Avoid claiming to have a busy schedule when you don't, as clients will likely look elsewhere. A smart pricing strategy isn't just about beating the competition; it's about making your services accessible, especially to younger clients who value affordability.

5. Demonstrate Growth Right Away

Showcasing Rapid Success

Demonstrating your progress early on can significantly influence potential clients. Highlighting a growing portfolio quickly distinguishes you from peers who lack visual evidence of their work. Use the "Wunderkind card" to showcase your burgeoning success, suggesting that your current deals won't last as your client base expands.

Proof Over Promises

A solid visual portfolio is your best argument for your skills and success. If you can show many client photos early in your career, you position yourself as a rising star in the field. This approach, combining social proof with the notion of scarcity, can be highly appealing to clients. With dedication, a sense of urgency, and perhaps a bit of luck, success is within reach.

6. Conclusions

Entering the competitive arena of powder brows, hairstrokes, or microblading in 2024 means understanding the realities of a saturated market. Realistically recognizing yourself as an underdog is vital, as is moving beyond any misconceptions about the field.

Be cautious of trainers selling an overly optimistic view of the market. Their actions can exacerbate saturation, making it harder for new artists to find footing.

Identifying distinct factors that set you apart is crucial. These might include a unique brand name, an innovative technical approach, or an exclusive partnership that elevates your offerings above the competition.

Successful artists share three strategies for making your mark.

  • Embrace Being the Newcomer. Promote your eagerness to work harder and go further for your clients, whether that means more flexible scheduling or traveling to them.
  • Smart Use of Pricing. Attractive discounts or complimentary services for models can build your portfolio and client base.
  • Utilize the 'Wunderkind' Strategy. Share your early achievements and growing popularity to attract more clients.

Navigating this field requires strategic differentiation, realistic planning, and savvy marketing to secure your competitive advantage.
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Sunday, Mar 10, 2024

That is very useful site. I have not started with powder brows yet, but I certainly think, I shall do it.

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Hairstrokes.com is a Powderbrows.com LLC company. It serves as the premier resource for material related to Hairstrokes - the most natural technique for creating brow pigmentation. For collaboration opportunities, contact us here.
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