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How to get ideas for posts?

Feb 21, 2024, Update: Feb 21, 2024, author: Hairstrokes.com / Holistic PMU
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"Selecting the right topic for your social media or blog post is crucial—it sets apart engaging content from just more online clutter. Many brow artists find this challenging, yet the key is to tap into potential clients' interests and address their questions. This article offers actionable advice on achieving this, ensuring your content gets noticed and genuinely appreciated. "

1. Background

For this article, we've synthesized observations from 124 interviews with experienced brow artists who have been in the industry for over three years. These interviews, part of various research projects from 2019 to 2023, involved artists predominantly in the EU (102 artists), with 16 in the UK and 6 in the US. Notably, the insights were remarkably uniform across different locations, indicating that the strategies and experiences of brow artists are broadly applicable, regardless of geographical differences. All of those observations have been evaluated and completed by data from two experts with a combined experience of close to four decades in digital marketing from the powderbrows.io digital marketing branch.

A vibrant source of information came from artists who transitioned into powder brows, hairstrokes, or microblading from entirely different fields or careers. Many of these artists had to start building their client base from scratch, compelling them to develop and refine their strategies for social media engagement to yield practical and consistent results. Their experiences, having navigated the initial challenges of establishing a presence and attracting clients in the brow business, provide valuable lessons and insights for newcomers and seasoned professionals looking to enhance their social media strategies.

2. Getting Over Oneself

It's Not About You - Focusing on Audience

In the beauty business's social media, you might be tempted to showcase your lifestyle, views, and values. However, an extensive analysis of tens of thousands of posts in the brow business indicates this strategy may not always lead to higher engagement. While your personal life may intrigue you, it may not be as captivating for your audience. The primary interest of your followers lies in your professional expertise and the value you can provide them.

Understanding the Bias in "Posts About Me”

It's essential to realize that believing personal posts generate more engagement can be a cognitive bias. If your feed mainly focuses on work-related content, a personal post might draw attention simply because it represents a change. Yet, statistics show a delicate balance between work-related and personal content. Overemphasizing personal posts, especially those perceived as self-indulgent, can miss the mark or even be counterproductive. Your content should resonate with your audience and support your business's goals.

The Main Question to Start With

Before crafting a robust content strategy, consider who your potential post reader is. This step is often overlooked or superficially addressed by brow artists. The strategy differs markedly depending on whether your audience consists of potential clients, general followers, or prospective students. The range of post ideas for each group varies significantly. Although you might aim to target all these groups, achieving this effectively in a single post is challenging. Therefore, envision a specific representative of your target group and tailor your message to them when composing a post. This approach ensures your content is relevant, engaging, and meets your audience's needs and interests. This article will specifically focus on what potential brow procedure clients usually want to know.

3. More practical, less technical info

Many Artists Overestimate the Interest in Technical Details

In the brow business, especially in microblading, powder brows, and hairstrokes, there's often a gap between what artists think clients want to know and the questions clients ask. Studies indicate that potential clients, who form the bulk of most artists' audiences, are generally not interested in the technical aspects of the procedure. They are more concerned with understanding the basics and the benefits rather than intricate details like the "roundness of pixels.”

Google: A Source for Understanding Client Interests

Google search is a simple yet potent tool for discerning what clients want to know. By exploring local clients' queries regarding your procedures, you'll likely discover that their questions are far more fundamental than anticipated. This insight should guide your content creation, addressing their real concerns and interests, which could inspire blog posts or social media content.

Utilizing Google Keyword Planner: Direct Access to Public Needs

To understand what potential clients in your area are searching for regarding brow procedures, the Google Keyword Planner is invaluable. Accessible with a Google Ads account (no need to start advertising), it offers insights into search volumes and specific phrases people use. This information is crucial for crafting content that meets actual client interests.

See What Others Have Answered

Another method is to use Google search directly. Ensure you're logged out of any user profile to avoid biased results. Looking at the questions and topics covered by top-ranking articles can clue you into common client inquiries.

The critical takeaway is to focus on what clients are genuinely curious about, as evidenced by their direct searches and questions. Instead of trying to invent unique queries that few might explore, it's more effective to understand and address your potential clients' real, documented interests. This strategy ensures your content is relevant and highly appreciated by those you wish to attract and engage.

4. Practical system for “catching” Ideas

Think Like a Detective - Ask the Right Questions

Maintaining an open mindset is crucial but can be challenging in practice. To generate fresh ideas for powder brows, hairstrokes, and microblading posts, adopt a probing mindset. Be vigilant about what clients want to know.

Develop a System to Capture Ideas

Use your phone to organize keyword-related questions and create a list in a note-taking, reminder, or text-editing app. Start compiling ideas under each question, preparing to capture inspiration whenever it strikes.

All Great Posts Start with a Relevant Question

Whether using voice messages, keeping a notepad handy, or an app, it's essential to have a system for recording your ideas. List the main topics in brow pigmentation, such as aftercare, client fears, different techniques, and restrictions. Then, add questions under each topic that clients are interested in. Pay attention to what clients ask on social media and what top artists answer.

This "information gathering" method serves a dual purpose: it prevents you from forgetting your insights and stimulates your brain to continue forming connections and discovering new question ideas. Regularly questioning and documenting thoughts can significantly enhance creative output.

Begin crafting a post by asking a question that genuinely interests clients, offering a practical and somewhat novel answer based on your gathered ideas. This process turns standard posts into engaging, informative content that resonates with your audience, establishing you as a knowledgeable and thoughtful professional in the brow business. The specifics of this approach are further elaborated in the latter sections of this article.

5. Concrete tools

Layers to Google Keyword Planner: AnswerThePublic, BuzzSumo, etc

Beyond the free Google Keyword Planner, subscription-based tools like AnswerThePublic and BuzzSumo exist. These platforms offer detailed insights, leveraging Google's data while simplifying and visualizing it for easy understanding. They provide a clearer view of potential clients' searches, shifting the focus from technical prowess to addressing actual client queries and interests.


AnswerThePublic visualizes online search questions and queries through a comprehensive map of related questions, prepositions, and searches by simply entering a keyword or phrase. It sources data from search engines like Google and Bing, offering real-time insights into what people are searching for.


BuzzSumo helps discover the most famous content across the web for any given topic or industry. It analyzes content performance across platforms, showing which topics, keywords, and formats engage audiences the most. By scanning websites, blogs, and social media, it identifies the most shared and interacted content.

Alternatives for More In-depth Analysis

For those delving deeper into digital marketing and content strategy, consider these tools:

  • SEMrush. Offers a comprehensive digital marketing toolkit for keyword research, competitive analysis, and content optimization.
  • Ahrefs. It is known for extensive backlink analysis and provides keyword research and competitive insights.
  • Moz. Features tools for keyword discovery, ranking tracking, and SEO improvement identification.
  • Ubersuggest. Created by Neil Patel, it suggests keywords and content ideas and conducts site audits.
  • SpyFu. Specializes in competitor research, revealing profitable keywords and ad content competitors use.

While these tools may be excessive for some, they represent advanced content strategy resources that could be invaluable as your business and digital marketing efforts expand. Utilizing these tools can deepen your understanding of your audience's needs and interests, enabling you to craft content that resonates and builds trust with potential clients.

6. Sample topics

“Evergreens" - Common Questions About Brow Procedure

When addressing frequently asked questions about powder brows, hairstrokes, and microblading procedures, it's essential to remember these inquiries are both straightforward and universally relevant. Overlooking these questions as "obvious" or assuming "everyone knows" the answers can be a significant oversight. Many women explore these topics because powder brows, hairstrokes, or microblading may be new experiences for them.

Some typical questions include the following

  • Are hairstrokes permanent?
  • Are Hairstrokes Brows worth it?
  • Is the Hairstrokes procedure painful?
  • Can Hairstrokes be removed?
  • Can hairstroke brows cause scarring?
  • Can hairstroke brows be corrected?
  • How are Hairstrokes done?
  • How do Hairstrokes heal?
  • How do Hairstrokes fade?
  • What do Hairstrokes look like when they fade?
  • When do Hairstrokes fade?
  • Which is better: microblading or hairstrokes brows?
  • Which Hairstrokes pigment is the best?
  • Who can get Hairstrokes?
  • When do I need a touch-up for Hairstrokes?

These questions are just a sample of the widespread inquiries regarding powder brows, hairstrokes, and microblading procedures. Successful content creation hinges on understanding your audience's wants and providing clear, informative answers. It's about satisfying their curiosity with valuable information rather than focusing solely on topics of personal interest. By addressing these "evergreen" questions, you establish yourself as a knowledgeable and trustworthy source, thereby enhancing your credibility and trustworthiness with potential clients.

7. Utilizing Google auto-complete

Engaging with Google Search Predictions

An innovative method to identify emerging trends is directly interacting with Google's search console. Observe Google's suggestions when you start typing a query, ensuring you're logged out to receive unbiased recommendations. Use phrases like "The best Hairstrokes Brows that...", "Newest hairstrokes...", or "Microblading for..." to uncover new trends and topics. This technique lets you spot these trends before they gain widespread recognition, providing a unique opportunity to produce content that taps into these interests early.

Experimenting with Gaps in Search Terms

Insert a gap or blank space in the middle of a search term and watch how Google's predictive search autocomplete completes it. This strategy can uncover a variety of ideas actively being searched for. For example, "How to ___ Hairstrokes Brows" might reveal searches such as "How to remove Powder Brows at home?" While this is a frequently asked question, addressing such topics responsibly and not endorsing unsafe practices is essential.

  • How to care for hairstroke brows?
  • How to Lighten Hairstrokes Brows?
  • How to get rid of hairstroke brows?
  • Creating Content from Real-Time Searches

The strength of Google's search console is in providing real-time insights into current search trends. Utilizing this tool enables you to craft content that directly responds to people's queries and concerns. This approach ensures your content remains timely and relevant, increasing its value to your audience. It's about engaging with potential clients' curiosity and offering informative and captivating answers.

Utilizing Google auto-complete and experimenting with search terms allows you to align your content with what people are curious about regarding Powder Brows, Hairstrokes, and Microblading. This strategy helps you customize your content to meet those queries, showcasing your expertise and fostering trust with your audience.

8. Trend catching - Old vs. modern

Be Sure to Understand the Intent Behind Most Posts

In the brow business, extracting ideas from "old school" sources such as beauty forums or listicles requires discernment. While these platforms are often aimed at promoting products or services, they can also serve as treasure troves for identifying trending topics and providing content inspiration.

Spotting and Testing Trending Topics

Despite the prevalence of sales-driven messages, large beauty forums like Facebook can be pivotal in discerning what engages your audience. Some posts may garner significantly more interaction than others, highlighting potential trends.

Identifying at least three posts on a similar topic that have gained notable popularity can indicate a trend worth pursuing. Cross-referencing these findings with tools like Google Trends to assess the topic's performance over time is advisable. A topic showing an upward trend is a promising opportunity for content creation. Acting swiftly to leverage such trends can supply numerous content ideas, ensuring your posts remain pertinent and captivating.

9. Using AI

Take AI Suggestions with a Grain of Salt

While AI chatbots like ChatGPT can introduce fresh perspectives for post ideas, using these suggestions wisely is vital. Relying entirely on AI for a list of "good ideas" might not yield the most effective results. The generic content AI provides often reflects insights you could gather from Google keyword searches. Hence, be cautious when AI attempts to make topics "more interesting," as it may not fully capture the intricacies of your niche.

AI's Limitations in Understanding the Brow Business

It's important to remember that, despite AI's advancements, it has never performed a brow procedure. AI-generated topics tend to be broad and "safe." When asked to make these topics "bolder" or more humorous, the results may still fall within a "witty and safe" range. In our Instagram training experiences, we've observed how AI can strip away the emotion and engaging examples from potentially compelling post topics, resulting in bland content. At its worst, this mismatch can be as awkward as a grandmother attempting to wear trendy rockstar clothing or a bikini.

What AI is Best For

Experienced writers and copywriters in the brow business often use AI tools (such as ChatGPT, Surfer.ai, or Jasper.ai) not for generating content ideas but for articulating and translating the concepts they've already developed. This approach to AI utilization can lead to substantially improved outcomes. By providing AI with clear instructions and specific topics, you can leverage its capabilities to refine and expand upon your ideas rather than expecting it to autonomously understand and create nuanced content in a specialized area like the brow business.

10. Adding your twist to answers

A great post is completed by answering the relevant question

When tackling common questions, avoid generic answers. An engaging blog post emerges when you take an "evergreen" question, provide a precise answer, and then enhance it with your unique perspective. This approach adds value for your clients and distinguishes your content.

Practical Techniques for Developing Ideas

Reflect on your clients' questions and challenge yourself with thoughts like, “How can I answer this question more effectively?" “What unique perspective can I offer?" “How can I add value to my response?” or “How can I simplify this concept further?" Embracing this questioning mindset encourages you to approach familiar questions from fresh angles. Aim not only to answer questions but also to enrich those answers with deeper insights and actionable advice.

Use Your Answers to Demonstrate Your Unique Selling Points

For instance, in addressing aftercare questions, you might emphasize a special "aftercare package" you provide, filled with essentials for optimal healing. Or, when describing your technique, you could explain how you carefully work on brows, alternating between them to minimize skin irritation and ensure a virtually pain-free process. Incorporating these personalized details makes your content more compelling and highlights your unique selling points. It helps potential clients see what differentiates you from the competition and why they should opt for your services.

11. Conclusions

When crafting social media posts or blog content in the brow business, it's essential to approach idea generation as a systematic and analytical process, focusing on audience needs rather than personal creativity alone.

Leave the Ego Outside

Begin by setting aside personal inclinations. While personal posts by top artists may seem engaging, their success often stems from their rarity, not their content. The key to captivating topics is understanding what potential clients seek, a task made more accessible with tools like Google Keyword Planner and analysis of top-ranking articles.

Adopt a Detective Approach

Artists might be surprised that potential clients are less interested in technical details and more in straightforward, basic information. Artists can better meet their audience's needs by listing main topics and gathering questions for each. Tools like AnswerThePublic, BuzzSumo, SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz, and Ubersuggest are invaluable for uncovering these queries.

Utilize Google's Auto-complete and Search Suggestions

Google's autocomplete and search suggestions are gold mines for trending ideas. Experimenting with query gaps and monitoring industry forums can also reveal what information is sought after, while Google Trends offers insights into evolving interests.

Be Cautious with AI

Although helpful in composing and translating posts, AI tools often fail to generate innovative ideas due to their lack of firsthand experience and understanding of the brow business.

Formula for Great Posts

Creating engaging posts involves answering relevant questions excitingly and infused with a unique perspective. Incorporating unique selling points into these responses adds value and distinguishes your content. By practically addressing what potential clients want to know, you can establish yourself as a knowledgeable and client-focused professional in the brow business.
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Hairstrokes.com is a Powderbrows.com LLC company. It serves as the premier resource for material related to Hairstrokes - the most natural technique for creating brow pigmentation. For collaboration opportunities, contact us here.
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