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How to build trust in brow business?

Jan 06, 2024, Update: Jan 06, 2024, author: Hairstrokes.com / Holistic PMU
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"Building trust is simpler than you might think, although that does not make it necessarily easy. Research reveals that three key factors contribute to winning clients' trust: a professional setup, exceptional service quality, and a pleasant demeanor. Interestingly, consistently excelling in just two areas can ensure repeat customer business. Want to know which ones and how to master them? This article explores those topics from a practical perspective."

1. Background

This article's practical advice originates from the experiences of 83 successful Permanent Makeup (PMU) artists. These insights, gathered by the Research Centre team at Powderbrows.com between 2020 and 2023, reveal universal truths about building trust, with minor variations mostly related to service pricing rather than geographic location. Most contributors are from Europe, with around 20% from the UK and the US. The findings underline the importance of trust-building strategies across different markets and price points.

The Goal

The aim here is to provide actionable advice that's research-based and tested in the real world. Drawing from interviews with successful PMU artists and studies from 2018 to 2022, this guidance is designed for newcomers and experienced artists seeking to enhance their work practices. The goal is to offer informative insights that directly apply to your daily professional activities.

Important Fact - The Setting influenced a lot

Research has unveiled a fascinating insight: to foster loyalty and ensure clients return, an artist must excel in at least two key areas — outstanding brow work, a pleasant personality, and a professional work environment. This ongoing study of 320 customer cases suggests that even if an artist's technical skills are not the best, clients are inclined to return if the artist is likable and maintains professionalism. This revelation emphasizes the multifaceted nature of trust-building and client retention, highlighting that technical prowess alone doesn't guarantee a loyal client base. Instead, a balanced combination of skill, personality, and professionalism is crucial in sustaining a successful PMU practice.

2. Trust building: The setup of the salon

When dissecting what creates a "professional setup," client feedback provides invaluable insights. Approximately 26% of respondents consider the salon's location and accessibility vital, which might be somewhat beyond your control. However, 74% of factors contributing to professionalism are within your direct influence as an artist. Let's explore how you can effectively manage and enhance these aspects.

Highlight Your Positive Aspects

Clients might not know the specifics of your sterilization process, such as the cleaning agents you use or the brand of your equipment. Make it a point to showcase every positive aspect of your cleanliness regimen. If possible, visibly display your sterilization equipment. If you use disposable tools, open the packages before the client and explain your procedures. Demonstrating adherence to high hygiene standards sets a positive tone and builds trust.

Opt for Disposable Tools Wherever Possible

Many seasoned artists recommend using as many disposable products as possible. This practice is particularly beneficial for microblading and Powder Brows. Even if you have advanced sterilization systems in another room, unpacking new disposable supplies in front of the client underscores your commitment to safety and cleanliness.

Adopt a Medical-Style Dress Code

The artist's attire significantly impacts the perception of professionalism. Casual clothing might be comfortable but can detract from your credibility. Shifting to medical-style attire is an immediate way to enhance your professional image. Ensure your clothing is always clean and well-maintained; stained or wrinkled clothes can instantly erode trust. Our extensive analysis of 3720 case studies indicates that casual attire negatively affects the artist's professional image and client trust, regardless of artistic or lifestyle justifications.

Maintain a Spotless Workspace

Surprisingly, over 70% of clients directly link the cleanliness of the treatment room with trust and professionalism. An immaculate workspace is non-negotiable for establishing credibility. Experienced artists recommend removing non-essential items and maintaining the utmost cleanliness of surfaces, furniture, and equipment. One of the simplest yet most impactful actions an artist can take to boost their professional image is to keep their workspace scrupulously clean. By focusing on these areas within your control, you can significantly enhance the professional setup and, by extension, the trust clients place in you.

Taking the First Steps

Transitioning from a chaotic, artistically messy workspace to a pristine, operating room-like environment isn't an all-or-nothing endeavor. It's usually a progression involving a series of manageable steps that can be initiated immediately. Many experienced artists recommend thoroughly cleaning the room and investing in organizational tools like boxes or drawers to store supplies and miscellaneous items out of sight systematically.

Often, artists delay taking the initial steps because the entire task appears daunting. However, it's much more effective to begin making changes right away. The adage "carpe diem!" – seize the day – is particularly pertinent here. Small, immediate actions can significantly improve creating a professional, trust-inspiring environment.

Commencing with cleaning and organizing is not just about aesthetics; it symbolizes a commitment to professionalism and respect for the client experience. Each step, no matter how small, transforms the perception of your workspace and, by extension, the perception of your professionalism and dedication to your craft. So, don't hesitate or overthink; start taking those steps towards a more professional environment today.

3. Professional attitude of the artist

An overwhelming 86% of clients pinpoint the "professional attitude" of the artist as a crucial trust-building factor. However, this concept is layered with intricacies. Artists sometimes err by being too agreeable, overcomplicating explanations, or presuming the client's knowledge level.

Be Direct, Not Overly Agreeable

A direct acknowledgment of issues is key to professionalism and trust-building. New artists often attempt to align too closely with client views to please them. While experienced artists can navigate client preferences, they maintain firm stances on brow artistry. They offer clear, honest assessments of the client's condition and realistic outcomes. True professionals recommend the most suitable approach based on their expertise, not just what the client wants to hear.

Set Clear Boundaries

Novice artists sometimes compromise professional standards to appease clients. Trust is built on clear professional boundaries regarding brow shape, color, and technique. Like a reputable doctor, an artist should be kind but honest, avoiding false assurances. Setting and adhering to these professional standards is essential for long-term success and client satisfaction.

Make Complex Things Simple

While artists might be tempted to share extensive knowledge with clients, overwhelming them with technical jargon can diminish perceived professionalism and likeability. Seasoned artists simplify complex topics using analogies and straightforward language, educating without intimidating. This approach makes the artist not only professional but also approachable and likable.

Don't Assume the Client Knows Everything

Avoiding complex explanations is one thing, but assuming the client knows everything is another pitfall. Experienced artists often over-explain, preferring to reiterate basic concepts rather than confuse clients. Many clients, it turns out, know less than expected and may be reluctant to ask questions. You educate your client and reinforce trust and confidence by providing thorough explanations.

Maintaining a professional attitude involves clear communication, setting and respecting boundaries, simplifying complex information, and assuming clients need a thorough understanding. By adopting these practices, artists demonstrate their professionalism and enhance their credibility and the trust clients place in them. Developing a Bystander Perspective

As many artists suggest, a key technique for cultivating a better professional attitude in all the aspects previously mentioned is to develop a bystander perspective. This involves the artist learning to observe themselves as outsiders or clients. While having good intentions and a professional mindset is crucial, ensuring that clients perceive these intentions as professional is equally important.

Everything matters

Clients typically interact with the brow artist only a few hours each year, making every moment and interaction impactful. Adopting the mindset that "everything matters" can be beneficial. Every gesture, joke, statement, or action communicates something about the artist's approach, and it's vital to understand that clients' perceptions and sensibilities can vary greatly. Some might appreciate light humor and casual conversation, while others prefer a more formal or straightforward interaction.

Artists should avoid unnecessary risks that could potentially misinterpret their professionalism. Instead, ensure that every interaction aspect — demeanor to dialogue — is consistently professional. The best way to accomplish this is to continuously monitor one's behavior and actions from a third-person perspective. By being mindful of how actions and words might be perceived, artists can maintain a high standard of professionalism that resonates well with a diverse client base and fosters a trustful and respectful artist-client relationship.

4. Approach to pricing and sales

How you approach pricing and sales significantly shapes your services' perceived trust and competence. There are several elements to consider here, like list prices, discounting, and exceptions. A study involving 155 Powder Brows and microblading artists during and post-pandemic years shed light on effective pricing strategies for attracting new clients. Notably, artists with a higher "official" list price who offer substantial discounts often attract more clients than those with lower list prices.

An Example to Illustrate the Point Consider an artist with a list price of $199 for a procedure offering a special deal at $99 for new models. Surprisingly, this approach may yield more sign-ups than a list price of $79, even though the discounted price in the latter scenario is 20% higher.

The Perception of Value

Data indicates that a lower net price is less likely to be associated with lower quality if the higher original price is effectively communicated. While a low net price as part of a special deal may not tarnish your reputation, a low list price could negatively impact perceptions of professionalism and trustworthiness.

Use Downselling to Build Trust

Upselling unnecessary products or services often erodes trust, with 78% of clients associating it with decreased professionalism. Instead, practice "downselling" — advising clients against unnecessary add-ons or services. This approach can build long-term revenue and trust by prioritizing the client's needs and best interests.

Leverage Discounts

Combining promotional elements like gift cards, discounts, and campaign codes to offer a lower overall price can be effective. Referring to your brand in the collective "we" rather than the singular "I" enhances the strategy's impact, creating a sense of collective responsibility and larger brand.

Minimize Unpleasant Surprises to Maintain Trust

Unexpected elements, such as additional procedure steps or price hikes, can lead to a sudden decline in trust. To prevent this, provide clients detailed information about the procedure and aftercare beforehand. Even if a client claims to be well-informed, reviewing everything before starting is beneficial. Allocating extra time for appointments creates a buffer for unforeseen complexities, mitigating risks of negative surprises that could damage trust.

Thus, your pricing and sales strategies should reflect the value of your services and reinforce the trust and professionalism clients associate with your brand. You can navigate these aspects effectively and build a loyal and satisfied client base by being strategic, transparent, and client-focused.

5. Conclusions

Trust and professionalism are pivotal in the artist and client dynamic. Research reveals that clients are inclined to become repeat customers even if there's room for improvement in the quality of service. What's essential is the artist's approachable demeanor and the professional setting in which the procedures are conducted.

Creating a "professional setup" starts with clearly communicating and, where possible, visibly demonstrating the measures implemented to ensure the hygiene and cleanliness of tools and supplies. A particularly effective method is opening disposable tools before the client to underscore your commitment to hygiene.

The cleanliness and style of the artist's attire and the treatment room significantly contribute to a professional ambiance. A clean, medical-style dress code and a spotless workspace are subtle yet powerful indicators of professionalism. When it comes to the concrete circumstances of the concrete artist, the most important thing is to take the first steps right away.

In communication, building trust involves sticking to procedure quality, especially when faced with specific or challenging client requests. It's crucial to avoid complex jargon while discussing procedures and never presume the client is already well-informed. Clear, straightforward explanations are key. At the same time, the artist should develop a “bystander perspective” on all actions - it pays to consider that absolutely all the artist says and does matters; thus, avoiding unnecessary communication mistakes is crucial.

When it comes to pricing, maintaining a higher regular price while offering strategic discounts or "downwelling" can enhance perceived trustworthiness. This approach helps prevent unexpected or unpleasant surprises that might diminish the client's trust.

In essence, trust and professionalism are not just about the technical quality of the service provided. They're about the overall experience, from the initial interaction to the completion of the procedure and beyond. By focusing on these aspects, an artist can attract new clients and cultivate lasting relationships based on trust, satisfaction, and mutual respect.
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Monday, Feb 19, 2024

I very much agree to this article, as it is absolutely important in my mind to distance the salon from an art studio, as much as possible.

Thursday, Jan 11, 2024

This is useful and I must say that I already follow practically all of those suggestions, although in my state I know that there are some places where the owner seems to appreciate the exact opposite :)

Monday, Jan 08, 2024

I very much think that setting and setup is the key to building trust. I have worked in different salons, and I can tell that it matters like 90% of the client experience! I totally agree to this article.

Saturday, Jan 06, 2024

very useful and easy to undersatnd article and practical to put into use. I am a PRO member and so far I think this system is really good and totally worth the small fee. I just want more techniques, but also business suggestions are good.

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