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Getting Your First Paying Clients

Feb 29, 2024, Update: Feb 29, 2024, author: Hairstrokes.com / Holistic PMU
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"Embarking on a career in brow artistry can seem overwhelming, particularly when you lack initial models to display your work. This often results in an 'aggressive waiting' state where you're keen to begin but lack clientele. This piece outlines a tried-and-true method that has aided countless artists in achieving their first sales. The focus is on obtaining clients and the personal growth you experience as an artist through embracing this methodology. Discover how to engage in the numbers game, implement a flexible pricing strategy, and even consider offering your services at no cost as a deliberate tactic to accumulate experience and draw clients from your competition."

1. Background

Insights for this article were gathered from 82 experienced PMU (Permanent Makeup) artists, focusing on Powder Brows, Hairstrokes, and Microblading. A notable 72% of these artists ventured into the pigmentation industry in the past three years, with interviews conducted between 2020 and 2024. Various ongoing research projects supplemented these interviews. Our group of artists comprised 63 from EU countries, 12 from the UK, and seven from the US. Our research also included data from online projects involving over 2000 customers, predominantly from EU countries. A consistent finding was the similarity in customer psychological reactions and tendencies across different regions, alongside a unified viewpoint among artists.

This article seeks to provide actionable advice to budding artists on securing their first paying customers. While many strategies exist, the one discussed here has shown to be particularly effective, especially in the challenging periods of 2023 and 2024.

2. The “Chicken and Egg” dilemma

For newcomers to the brow artistry field, particularly those fresh from training in powder brows, hairstrokes, or microblading, acquiring initial clients poses a significant hurdle. This predicament resembles the classic "chicken and the egg" problem. To attract new clients, artists require a portfolio showcasing their talent and offering social proof. However, to assemble such a portfolio, they first need clients. This situation leads to a perplexing and frustrating loop for those new to the Powder Brows sector.

Understanding the Dilemma

This problem revolves around cause and effect: "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" Debating if the chicken preceded the egg raises the question of the chicken's origin. If it emerged from an egg, the egg must have preceded it logically. Conversely, if the egg was first, it must have been laid by a chicken, creating an infinite loop where each element appears reliant on the other for existence. The "chicken and egg" dilemma has long been discussed in philosophy and science, particularly concerning causality, the origins of complex processes, and species evolution.

The Paradox in Powder Brows Business 

Within launching a Powder Brows service, this paradox manifests as the challenge of generating demand and social proof.

Demand Needs Social Proof

To draw clients, a business must prove its competence and quality through a portfolio, testimonials, before-and-after photos, and other forms of social proof that foster trust.

Social Proof Depends on Demand

In contrast, the business initially requires clients to develop a portfolio and accumulate testimonials. Without clientele, there's no social proof to attract prospective customers.

This creates a cyclic issue similar to the chicken and egg scenario, where each component is vital for the other's existence, yet securing one appears contingent on having the other already in place.

3. Breaking the endless cycle

Thought vs. Action

In the demanding world of starting as a PMU artist, merely contemplating solutions to the "chicken and egg" issue is inadequate. This paradox has baffled even the most profound thinkers for ages. The practical resolution? Providing free services to models. Although this might seem too simplistic or avoidable, it comes highly recommended by experienced artists and has proven successful.

At the Crossroads - Opting for Action

As a novice artist, it's normal to begin each day hoping for a suddenly filled calendar or a surge in client inquiries. Yet, this often remains an unfulfilled hope, a type of passive waiting that seldom produces results. Rather than succumbing to this "aggressive waiting" trap, which might lead to unproductive behaviors like excessive social media browsing or binge-watching, taking decisive action is crucial.

Taking Proactive Measures

The transition from a passive to an active approach by reaching out to potential models for your practice. This step is vital for moving beyond the waiting cycle and creating a tangible portfolio.

4. Underlying psychological controversy

The Emergence of True Core Identity

The actual core identity of an artist surfaces in challenging situations, such as acquiring the first clients in the PMU industry. This extends beyond merely replacing passive waiting with active efforts. The psychological effect of taking action in such circumstances is profound and often mirrors an individual's broader life approach.

Rationalization and Inaction

The human brain is exceptionally skilled at justifying inaction in nearly any scenario. Interestingly, research shows that the more intelligent and seasoned an individual is, the more adept they become at formulating convincing and intricate excuses for inactivity.

Embracing Imperfect Action

The essence of strength lies in acknowledging that the action taken might not be the ideal or most effective. Typically, those who decide to act know their strategy's potential flaws. Success often hinges on the readiness to proceed despite these imperfections and accept the uncertainty of such decisions. Recognizing that no strategy is without faults and moving forward regardless often distinguishes successful individuals from those who stagnate.

Brow Business: A Domain of Action

The brow industry exemplifies a field where this fundamental human trait is apparent. Choosing to seek clients actively, offer services, and develop a portfolio despite doubts and imperfections can influence an artist's career path. This mindset of prioritizing action over endless contemplation and analysis is pivotal for advancement and success in the PMU sector.

5. Approaching Potential Models

Creating a list of candidates

The initial step on your path as a PMU artist involves compiling a list of potential model candidates. This list should be thoughtfully crafted based on specific criteria.

  • Facial Attractiveness. While it may seem shallow, the visual appeal of the candidate's face plays a crucial role. Seek out those with facial features that are widely considered attractive. Since these models will be representing your work, their looks are a vital consideration.
  • Brow Style. Determine if the candidate has natural brows or has received treatments such as microblading or Powder Brows. This may be difficult to ascertain from pictures alone, so search for inconsistencies in various images. Aim to find photos where the candidate's brows are makeup-free.
  • Recent Interaction. Give preference to individuals you have interacted with in the past year. This recent contact makes reaching out seem more natural and approachable. If your list is lengthy, narrow it down to those you have recently connected with.

Adhering to these guidelines allows you to select the ideal model candidates strategically. The goal is to find anyone willing to undergo the procedure and choose those who will best represent and promote your work. The following section will offer a template message many artists have successfully used in your industry.

6. First touchpoint - Outreach message

Approach With a Friendly Tone

Aim for a tone akin to speaking with a friend when crafting your message. A casual and friendly demeanor helps build rapport and a sense of connection. Eschew formalities that might introduce distance or impersonality. Embrace a conversational tone, as though you're engaging in a relaxed chat over coffee. Avoid technical jargon and overly formal expressions. Start with a friendly opening and inject a personal note to create a warm atmosphere.

Simplicity is Key

Use straightforward language and keep sentences short. Complex wording or extended explanations can be intimidating or lead to confusion. Opt for simple, everyday words and break your ideas into easily digestible chunks. Aim for clarity and brevity, avoiding superfluous details or ornate expressions.

Personalize Your Message

Tailoring the message makes the recipient feel valued and singled out rather than just another number. This personal touch shows that you've thoughtfully considered your offer and viewed it as more than a mere model for your portfolio.

Incorporate the recipient's name to personalize your communication. Mention specific details that are relevant to them. If you've previously met or shared common interests, mention these points. Adjust the message to reflect your personal connection or familiarity with them.

In the subsequent section, we'll explore how to personalize your message effectively, ensuring your outreach resonates with the individual and feels genuinely considerate.

7. Template for outreach message

Choosing the Right Title

When selecting a title for your email or message, it's essential to strike the appropriate tone. Avoid titles that convey urgency or desperation, such as "I need help" or "Help me out." Similarly, avoid overly promotional language like "A great opportunity" or "Incredible offer just for you," as these can seem insincere. Opt for a neutral, relevant title like "My new project," "Powder Brows," "Hairstrokes," or "Microblading," depending on the service you're offering.

Opening Line

An opening line that recalls a past interaction or expresses a desire to catch up can create an immediate connection. For example the following.

"Hey, do you remember me from X's birthday party? The one diving into brow artistry? :)”

"It's been some time since our last conversation, hasn't it?”

"I've been thinking about our discussion at [event]. How have you been since then?”

Present Your Credentials to Alleviate Concerns

Assure the reader of your expertise and qualifications with statements like the following.

"I've just completed my certification in Powder Brows/Microblading/Hairstrokes, and I'm eager to get started!”

"Remember when I talked about pursuing powder brows? I'm now a certified artist.”

"I've made my dream a reality and am officially certified in powder brows (hairstrokes, microblading).”

Clarify Your Intent

Be transparent about why you're reaching out. Customize your message to explain your need for models with lines such as:

"I'm working on my portfolio and am looking for models with specific attributes like yours.”

"For my forthcoming promotional activities, I'm searching for unique models to feature these stunning brows.”

"I’m looking for people with distinctive features to showcase my work.”

Explain the Perfect Match Using "Becaus."

Inform the candidate why they are an ideal fit, such as:

"Your skin tone, freckles, eye color, etc., make you a perfect candidate for this.”

"You'd be an excellent match for the category of redhead (or dark-haired) and brown-eyed models I'm targeting!”

Discuss Pricing and Encourage Promptness. Be transparent about costs and motivate a quick response:

"Typically, this procedure costs USD 300, but I'm offering it for free. Please get back to me soon if you're interested, as I'm finalizing my list of models.”

Prompt for a Response

Emphasize that this is an exceptional opportunity for them and encourage them to express their interest.

8. Understanding the key idea

Connecting With Potential Models

The core of reaching out to potential models lies in highlighting your exceptional value. It's about framing the opportunity as a benefit, fostering a sense of reciprocity, and encouraging them to at least reply to your offer.  

Personalizing Your Outreach

While using these templates as a foundation, infusing your flair is crucial. Many artists have succeeded in categorizing models into "sub-categories" to ensure each message feels heartfelt and authentic. This strategy helps maintain a real connection with each potential model, even when contacting numerous individuals.

Templates as a Foundation. These templates are not a magic solution but a starting point to inspire your personalized messages. Adapt them to suit your style and the unique characteristics of each potential model. The main objective is to take action, moving beyond passive waiting to reach out actively with tailored, thoughtful messages.

Taking the Initiative

The essential step is to take action. Craft messages that reflect your personality and align with your brand's voice. Remember, the key to success in this endeavor is not merely waiting for opportunities but proactively creating them by engaging potential models. Your initiative and effort in personalizing each outreach will be crucial in building your client base and portfolio.

Sending out messages fundamentally shifts your mindset and approach from passive waiting to active engagement. This action is more meaningful than it initially seems, marking a significant step in driving your business forward. These guidelines aim to empower you as an artist, enable effective communication of your services, and initiate your journey in the competitive PMU industry.

9. Celebrating Your First Sale

The significance of your initial sale

Numerous artists have successfully utilized the suggested template to achieve their first sales. Opting to charge a modest fee, such as USD 50, rather than providing the service for free marks a pivotal moment. This initial transaction signifies your progression from merely dreaming about success to actively pursuing it. Acknowledge and celebrate this milestone; it places you in the ranks of proactive artists making concrete career advancements.

10. Embracing a flexible pricing strategy

Valuing every transaction as a new artist

As you start your career as a PMU artist, it's crucial to appreciate the importance of every sale, big or small. Experienced artists often advocate for a "dynamic pricing approach" during your initial outreach efforts. The primary aim at this juncture is to remain active and carve out your niche in the market. Sometimes, providing services without charge can be a deliberate strategy to gain a competitive advantage in your locale.

11. Progressive pricing adjustments

As you secure models and possibly make initial sales, consider revising your pricing strategy. This doesn't entail a sudden, significant price increase but rather a gradual adjustment to enhance profitability. This dynamic pricing model, similar to the strategy of companies like Uber, involves adjusting your fees based on current demand and availability. When business is brisk, you can justify higher prices. Conversely, offering complimentary or discounted services during slower periods can help you stay productive and avoid downtime.

The strategy of mass outreach for your first sale

Dispatching a high volume of personalized messages is bound to result in your first paying customer. The consensus among seasoned artists underscores that persistent outreach is essential. Whether it's luck or encountering someone interested in PMU services such as powder brows, hairstrokes, or microblading, initiating contact is key. This active stance almost guarantees your initial sale. The more messages you send, the higher your likelihood of engaging a potential client. Maintain persistence, and your dedication will yield rewards.

12. Conclusions

Overcoming the initial hurdles as a PMU artist

Starting your journey as an artist in powder brows, hairstrokes, or microblading often involves navigating the classic "chicken and egg" predicament. Attracting clients requires a compelling portfolio, but to create that portfolio, you initially need clients. This scenario can easily foster rationalization, leading to inaction and what experienced artists describe as "aggressive waiting." Such passive approaches rarely yield positive results.

The critical role of proactive engagement

The key to breaking this cycle lies in taking decisive action. This involves actively reaching out to potential models, as outlined in this article's "template" section. Despite challenging conditions like the COVID-19 pandemic and the so-called PMU Apocalypse in 2023, this method has proven effective. It's a numbers game; by diligently applying this strategy, securing your first sale is almost assured. While the initial fees might be modest, typically around USD 50, this approach offers a proven path to embark on your career.

Implementing a dynamic pricing model

As you start earning fees from models, it's crucial not to interpret this as an invitation to significantly increase your charges immediately. Instead, embrace a dynamic pricing model akin to Uber's. Increase your fees when demand is high and consider reducing them during slower periods or even offering free services to deter clients from turning to other artists. This adaptive strategy focuses on immediate profits, preparing you for future competition and solidifying your standing in the PMU industry.

Fostering growth and competitiveness

Adopting this approach is about more than just achieving initial sales; it's a process of transformation that shapes you into a competitive artist. Remaining active, flexible, and attuned to market trends lays the groundwork for sustained success in the PMU field. Remember, the journey to becoming a well-known artist begins with these small yet significant steps.

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Hairstrokes.com is a Powderbrows.com LLC company. It serves as the premier resource for material related to Hairstrokes - the most natural technique for creating brow pigmentation. For collaboration opportunities, contact us here.
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