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Avatars - Customer personas in brow business (research results)

Feb 26, 2024, Update: Feb 26, 2024, author: Hairstrokes.com / Holistic PMU
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"Creating a clear image of your "ideal Avatar" - your perfect customer - helps you communicate confidently and genuinely. This understanding directs you on when, what, and how to convey messages, building a meaningful connection and lasting impression with your audience. This article is designed to clarify this concept through research findings."

1. Background

This text is based on findings from interviews with 176 top-earning pigment artists from various regions. Most focus on powder brows and microblading, with a growing number providing hairstrokes. Conducted from 2018 to 2023, this ongoing study includes over 143 artists from EU countries, around 18 from the UK, and 12 from other areas, predominantly the US.

This text aims to illuminate the use of "personas" in marketing for brow businesses, offering actionable insights for effective strategy implementation in the sector.

2. Client Personas Explained

What exactly are "Client Personas" or "Avatars"?

These constructed identities represent your ideal clientele, buyer personas or customer avatars. For those in the powder brows, hairstrokes, or microblading field, crafting client personas means pinpointing and comprehending the distinct attributes of the clientele you wish to attract through your marketing and sales initiatives. These personas combine ideal customer characteristics, transforming statistics into relatable avatars that animate your marketing data.

The Importance of Creating Avatars

While you may have confidence in understanding your clients, developing client personas can reveal more profound insights. Consider the following three related challenges.

Unrecognized Client Segments

Artists often cater to a specific client type defined by demographics or location, potentially missing out on other lucrative segments. You might uncover new, profitable customer groups by diversifying your client personas. Misunderstandings About Your Target Market: If your clientele mainly comprises a specific demographic, you could wrongly assume they encompass your entire market, missing out on broader segments that could use your services.

Communication Mistakes

Tailoring your communication to suit different age groups is crucial. A one-size-fits-all approach can lead to misunderstandings and the loss of potential clients. You can effectively reach a broader audience by aligning your marketing to different client personas' varied needs and preferences.

Thus, client personas aid in identifying potential customer segments, correcting misconceptions about your target market, and honing your communication strategy, thereby boosting revenue and client diversity.

3. Three Components of the Avatar

Building "Avatars," or client personas, means grasping three main components: geographical, demographic, and psychographic information. This may appear daunting at first, but it's manageable. We stress simplicity in marketing, even to our team members with PhDs. Here is what you need to know about each component.

  • Geographical Information. This pertains to where your clients are located. It encompasses the country, city, or neighborhood they reside in, their proximity to your business, and the ease with which they can reach you.
  • Demographic Information. This involves statistical data about your clients: age, gender, marital status, job, income, and education. It's essential to understand who your clients are in societal terms.
  • Psychographic Information. This looks into your clients' psychological attributes, including their lifestyle, values, attitudes towards beauty, motivations for service-seeking, and the issues they want to address. It offers more profound insights into why clients choose your services and how these align with their values and lifestyles.

Combining these components yields a comprehensive avatar that mirrors your ideal client. This approach enables targeted marketing strategies that resonate with different client groups' specific needs, preferences, and behaviors. Remember, keeping it simple is crucial - focus on the primary criteria in each category to effectively connect with and understand your potential customers. The article will delve into these aspects more deeply in subsequent sections.

4. Geographical Data

Geographical Information of Avatars

Geographical data encompasses the physical locations of your clients. When analyzing your clientele, consider their residence and environment, whether urban or rural, as preferences vary with these settings. Our research, involving over 2100 customers, shows that urban clients are often trend-conscious, while rural clients may prefer traditional brow styles.

Global vs. Local Social Media Growth Strategies

Geography significantly impacts social media strategy development. If your target clients are local, your social media followers should ideally mirror this. Focusing on an international follower base can inflate follower counts without boosting business growth, especially for those using 'white hat' growth techniques. A mismatch between your social media presence and your actual market can render your account a mere follower showcase, lacking real-world business impact.

Genuine Engagement vs. "Vanity Metrics"

Hiring social media marketing agencies to increase follower counts can be superficial if the followers' geographical relevance is overlooked. For example, a Florida artist with followers mainly from distant cities faces an apparent mismatch between their service area and their social media audience.

Aligning your social media strategy with your "customer persona's" geographical profile is crucial. If your followers are mostly from abroad, this can significantly reduce the impact of your social media efforts on local businesses. Consider setting up separate accounts for this specific audience for international online training or consultations.

Ideally, your customer "Avatar's" geographical characteristics should suggest proximity to your service area within a 100-mile radius, ensuring your social media marketing is strategically focused on fundamental business objectives rather than merely accruing "vanity metrics."

5. Demographical Data

Critical Demographics of the Ideal Avatar: Demographic data includes various population statistics like age, gender, income, education, job, marital status, and household size. In Powder Brows and Microblading, some artists' perceptions may be skewed based on their client experiences. Closer examination reveals that most clients are women, with these services almost exclusively sought by females. The clients' age provides more diversity.

Misconceptions About Age

Artists working primarily with younger clients might believe specific procedures are more suited to this demographic and vice versa. However, data from artists worldwide confirms that semi-permanent brow procedures are suitable for a wide age range, from teenagers to the elderly.

Skin thickness, dermatological conditions, pigmentation, and overall health and hormonal balance are more critical than age. While some link these factors to age, no universal correlation justifies such claims. Hence, statements like "microblading is only for women below age X" typically indicate bias, lack of knowledge, or experience.

Gender Distribution and "Purple Cows"

Our 2022 study, involving over 3100 customers from 142 artists in 17 countries, revealed surprising gender statistics: only 1.32% of clients were male.

Social media might suggest a higher proportion of male clients due to artists' tendency to post their male clients' photos more frequently. These "Purple Cows," as termed by marketing expert Seth Godin, stand out, leading to a distorted perception of artists specializing in male brow services. However, this does not signify a large untapped male market, as men generally show less interest in maintaining their brows, with some exceptions like Cristiano Ronaldo.

"The Golden Group" Dominates

Analysis of client ages for Powder Brows and Microblading services shows a consistent pattern: women aged 25-34 make up 49.1% of clientele. This age group is the most significant segment, though variations exist across countries.

This indicates that nearly half of all clients fall within this age range. If your clientele significantly deviates from this norm, you might miss opportunities within this primary demographic.

An Interesting Observation - Younger Fans

There's a discrepancy between the social media following and the paying clientele of many artists. While a significant portion of social media followers are 18-24, this group's financial contribution to services is lower. Yet, engaging this demographic is crucial, as it represents future clientele.

The Stable Segment with Purchasing Power

The 35-44 age group also plays a significant role, comprising 24.29% of customers. However, artists, especially those under 35, often have fewer followers from this demographic, suggesting potential untapped opportunities.

A minor segment of clients falls within the 13-17 age range, with the remainder being older individuals and a small percentage of men.

In summary, the client demographics for these services are primarily women aged 25-34, followed by those in the 35-44 age bracket, with around 12% aged 18-24, and about 10% aged 45-64. You may overlook potential market segments if your client base significantly differs from these averages.

A Young Artists' Bias: A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy v Considering the potential bias among younger artists towards older clients is essential. This unfounded belief can exclude them from a valuable client segment. Addressing this misconception can open new opportunities in the industry.

6. Psychographic Data

Your Ideal Customer's Psychographic Profile: Psychographic data explores customers' interests, activities, and opinions, providing deeper insight into their personalities and lifestyles. v Interests. This includes the primary concerns and topics your ideal customer often thinks about, such as relationships, career ambitions, parenting challenges, and personal fitness. These influence their decisions, including choosing beauty treatments.

Activities. Those refer to hobbies and leisure activities, from travel and relaxation to sports and family time. Parenting and striving to excel in this role is a common theme.

Opinions. Understanding your customers' views on societal issues, life philosophies, and global matters. These opinions, reflecting core beliefs and values, can vary significantly among individuals.

Leveraging Psychographic Properties in Marketing

Using psychographic characteristics effectively can involve creating universal appeal or targeting specific segments with tailored messaging. Here are strategies for each approach.

Universal Appeal: Messages that tap into shared experiences or challenges, like parenting, can resonate with a broad audience. This strategy makes your message relatable to many potential clients. Targeted Messaging: Focusing on specific interests or lifestyles, such as luxury brand preferences, requires a deeper understanding of different audience segments' tastes and values.

Effective Communication

Understanding Your Clients: Effective client understanding begins with active listening. Asking open-ended questions and listening attentively during procedures can provide valuable psychographic insights, enhancing the client experience.

Preparing to Be a Better Listener

Review clients' social media profiles before appointments to guide your conversations. This preparation offers insights into their interests and lifestyles, fostering more personalized and engaging discussions.

Reflecting on Client Conversations

When formulating marketing messages, recall specific client conversations. Focus on universally clear and non-offensive topics, using simple, direct language and aiming for authenticity. Self-irony can show relatability and sincerity.

Highlighting Your Services' Practical Benefits

While acknowledging that Powder Brows or Microblading won't solve all problems, share client testimonials highlighting your services' positive impacts, such as increased confidence or simplified beauty routines. These stories resonate with potential clients.

Identifying Common Client Concerns

Understand the shared concerns and needs of many clients. Frame your messages as if speaking directly to an individual, addressing typical desires like effortless, perfect brows, attractiveness with less makeup, efficient daily task management, and the convenience of waking up with perfect brows. Recognizing these shared concerns enables you to connect more effectively with your clientele.

7. Conclusions

Developing "client personas" is crucial in marketing, especially for the brow business. Despite some artists' hesitance, crafting these personas is essential for targeting new customers and crafting impactful marketing strategies. Think of these personas as avatars for ideal customer segments, making them more tangible and approachable in communication efforts.

Three Key Aspects of Client Personas

  • Geographical Data. This includes the country, city, or neighborhood where your clients reside and their proximity to your business. For the brow business, ensuring your social media followers match the geographical traits of your avatars is crucial. A broad follower base in large countries like Brazil or India may face challenges converting them into paying customers.
  • Demographic Data. This covers basic societal categories such as age, gender, marital status, occupation, income level, and educational background. Understanding who your clients are is vital. A common misconception among artists is a distorted perception of their clientele's age range. Still, data shows the core demographic for powder brows and hairstrokes services are typically women aged around 28-34 years. While male and other age groups are less crucial, strategically targeting younger clients poised to enter your primary demographic is wise.
  • Psychographic Data, Exploring your clients' psychological attributes, includes lifestyle choices, personal values, attitudes towards beauty, motivations for seeking your services, and their concerns. Understanding clients' interests, activities, and opinions is crucial in crafting effective marketing messages. The best way to gather this information is through direct conversations with clients, listening to their concerns, and addressing these in your marketing messages.

Understanding and constructing detailed client personas are vital for success in the brow business. It involves a comprehensive geographical, demographic, and psychographic analysis to form a clear image of your ideal clients. This approach not only aids in identifying and attracting your target audience but also in tailoring your services and marketing efforts to meet their specific needs and preferences. Effective communication, rooted in a deep understanding of your clients, is the foundation of a successful marketing strategy in the competitive semi-permanent makeup field.
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Tuesday, Feb 27, 2024

Looks like another interesting article. Actually I learned something similar at the college, but not presented in such practical terms.

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