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Advanced Brow Mapping Techniques

Jan 19, 2024, Update: Jan 19, 2024, author: Hairstrokes.com / Holistic PMU
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"Starting with basic brow mapping methods is great for beginners, but you need more to excel in the art. This guide delves deep into advanced tactics, focusing on balancing eye width, adjusting forehead height, and enlarging eye appearance. We're not just sticking to the basics; we're revealing how to customize brow mapping for every unique face, ensuring perfectly tailored and aesthetically pleasing results."

1. Background

This article delves into insights from experienced artists on brow mapping techniques in powder brows, hairstrokes, and microblading. We gathered perspectives from 47 artists, predominantly top earners in their regions, with over four years of experience in various PMU techniques. While most are from EU countries, there are also UK and US contributors.

Differences in brow-shaping techniques among these artists are more reflective of their individual backgrounds and style preferences than geographical location. Additionally, input from two aesthetic surgeons was incorporated into these recommendations, aligning closely with the artists' views.

Common Issues for Beginners

Standardized brow mapping methods often face challenges when a client's facial or skull structure deviates from the "perfect" symmetrical female face. Faces with unique features may not be optimally enhanced by standard measurements, highlighting the need for adaptation.

The Need for a Holistic Approach

Brow mapping benefits greatly from a holistic approach, considering not just the brows but the entire face and skull structure. Since faces lack "perfect" symmetry and aesthetic uniformity, strictly following specific ratios or measurements in brow mapping can be limiting. It's a misconception that perfect mapping is achieved through rigid adherence to certain measurements. Instead, these guidelines should be adjusted to each individual's facial structure.

The primary goal in brow mapping is to create flattering brows for each client rather than applying 'perfect ratios' to imperfect faces. This shift in focus from pursuing unattainable ideals to enhancing natural beauty is crucial for young artists. Embracing this tailored approach to brow mapping can greatly enhance an artist's practice, leading to more satisfactory client outcomes.

2. Limitations of the “Golden Ratio”

Using the Golden Ratio compass for brow measurements can be challenging, particularly when a client's facial structure results in their eyes being closer together than the width of one eye. In such cases, applying the Golden Ratio can unnaturally reduce the starting distance of the brows by an additional 38.2%, leading to results that may appear unnatural.

Factors Influencing Interpupillary Distance and Eye Width

Genetics play a crucial role in determining eye distance. (interpupillary distance) and eye width. These inherited traits can vary significantly among individuals and across different populations. Ethnic and racial groups often have characteristic skull and facial structures, influencing the spacing of the eyes. For instance, some populations may naturally have wider-set eyes, while others have narrower spacing.

Correlation Between Eye Width and Distance

Contrary to the artistic guideline that ideal eye distance equals the width of one eye, reality shows significant variability. The correlation between eye width and the distance between the eyes is not always direct, and considerable variation exists even within the same ethnic or racial group.

Skull Structure and Eye Socket Placement

The placement of eye sockets in the skull plays a vital role in determining the distance between the eyes. This includes the following.

  • Skull Shape and Size, The general shape and size of the skull influence the positioning of the orbits.
  • Orbital Bone Development. The development of bones around the eye sockets affects the size and position of the eyes.
  • Evolutionary Adaptations. Human skull structures have adapted to various environmental conditions, affecting eye socket positioning and size.
  • Facial Asymmetry. Natural asymmetries in skull structure can lead to variations in eye placement.

External Influences on Skull Features

  • Nutrition and Health. Factors like nutrition and health conditions during growth can impact skull development.
  • Age-Related Changes. Changes in bone density and facial muscles with age can alter the facial structure.

In conclusion, the distance between the eyes and eye width results from a complex mix of genetic, developmental, environmental, and possibly cultural factors. Misapplying the Golden Ratio in brow mapping can lead to suboptimal aesthetic results.

Length of the Brow

The nose's shape and the overall width of the face are influenced by determining brow length based on a line from the alae's outer edge to the eye's end. Adhering strictly to this method can lead to short eyebrows for individuals with broader noses and longer faces or too wide brows for those with narrow noses and rounder faces.

"Cookie-Cutter" Brow Stencils

Using pre-shaped brow stencils is generally ineffective and leads to inaccurate results. These stencils are unsuitable for the diverse range of facial proportions and shapes, often deviating from the ideal of perfect symmetry.

3. Advanced Brow Shaping

Advanced brow shaping techniques, as recommended by experienced artists, require a holistic approach beyond surface-level features. The key is to focus on the underlying skull and bone structure instead of just the superficial aspects of the face. This includes attention to elements like the ala (the lateral outer side of the nostrils).

Relying Beyond Brow Hair Appearance

A significant aspect of advanced brow mapping involves looking beyond the existing brow hair and the client's makeup style. The guiding principle is that the closer the mapping aligns with the skull's actual structure, the more accurate the results. For example, prolonged tweezing or plucking can alter natural hair growth patterns, making reliance on existing brow hair alone misleading. 

Therefore, a proficient artist should visualize the client's facial structure, especially around the eye area, even imagining it without the skin. This deep understanding of bone structure and skull shape is crucial for accurate, personalized brow mapping.

Influence of Eye Sockets and Orbital Bone

The eye sockets and orbital bones significantly determine the face's perceived beauty and youthfulness. These should be considered alongside the forehead bone's shape. Aesthetic surgeons point out that powder brows or hairstrokes shaping and mapping can achieve several objectives.
  • Optimizing the distance between the eyes.
  • Shortening an overly prominent forehead bone.
  • Making the eyes appear larger.
These goals should be pursued through advanced mapping techniques, ensuring that changes enhance natural beauty without appearing overly dramatic or unnatural. The objective is often to improve the facial appearance subtly, avoiding any drastic alterations that might detract from the client's natural features.

In summary, advanced brow shaping is about understanding and respecting the unique bone structure of each client, moving away from one-size-fits-all solutions. This approach ensures that brow shaping and mapping cater specifically to individual facial characteristics, leading to more harmonious and aesthetically pleasing results.

4. Distance Between the Eyes

The length and starting line of the eyebrows play a critical role in influencing the perceived distance between the eyes. A key aspect of advanced brow mapping is determining if there's a significant deviation from ideal proportions in eye spacing.

In cases where the horizontal distance between the eye sockets' orbital bones is larger and the eye sockets have a flatter shape, the tear channels may appear more widely spaced than the width of one eye. Here, the Golden Ratio method can be effectively applied. This technique adjusts the brow beginning to be 38.2% shorter than the distance between the tear channels, visually bringing the eyes closer together.

However, challenges arise when the distance between the tear channels is less than the width of one eye. In such instances, further reducing the brow starting line distance according to the Golden Ratio can detract from the aesthetic balance of the face.


In situations where the distance between the eyes is shorter than the width of an eye, using the Golden Ratio can be counterproductive. Instead, aligning the starting lines of the brows with the tear channels' vertical starting points is often more appropriate. Therefore, the adjustment of the brow beginning lines should vary between 20-0% instead of the 38.2% suggested by the Golden Ratio. This approach considers that the Golden Ratio provides the maximum proportional difference suitable for cases where eyes are either at an ideal distance or wider apart.

In summary, understanding and accurately assessing each client's specific facial structure and eye spacing are crucial in determining the appropriate approach for brow mapping. The application of the Golden Ratio needs to be tailored to each individual's unique features, ensuring a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing result.

5. “Decreasing” Forehead Height

In facial aesthetics, especially concerning forehead proportions, it's crucial to consider more than just the hairline. The hairline, while visually noticeable, is influenced by bone structure and personal grooming choices like hair styling. Solely using the hairline for brow shaping can lead to inaccuracies, as it may already represent a modified version of the natural forehead contour.

Influence of Brow Morphology on Perceived Forehead Height

The shape and volume of the eyebrows significantly affect how the forehead's height is perceived. For instance, eyebrows styled into an angular shape with a raised arch can visually reduce the forehead's height. Styles like Soft Powder Brows or Soft Ombré Brows, known for their pronounced and dense appearance, can create an illusion of a more compact forehead. This is particularly useful when there is “more vertical space to fill” and an angular, thicker brow shape can be beneficial.

Perceptual Dynamics in Facial Analysis

The structure of the eyebrows greatly influences how the forehead size is perceived. Well-defined, substantial eyebrows can draw attention and alter the perceived distance between the top of the eye socket and the skull's peak. In aesthetic surgery, it's acknowledged that even small changes can significantly impact facial harmony. Adjusting the lower arch of the eyebrow, making it straighter or more pronounced, can lessen the perceived length of the forehead.

Caution with Thin Brows

However, caution is needed. If brow shaping unintentionally makes the eyebrows appear vertically elongated, this can undesirably increase the perceived height of the forehead, disturbing the facial balance. Thin, overly curved eyebrows can create an optical illusion that emphasizes the forehead's height, disrupting the overall harmony of the face.

Thus, understanding the impact of eyebrow shape and position on the perception of forehead height is crucial. Properly styled eyebrows can effectively adjust the perceived proportions of the forehead, enhancing facial aesthetics. Conversely, inappropriate brow shaping can exaggerate forehead height and disturb facial harmony.

6. Making Eyes Appear Larger

The relationship between eyebrow positioning and the perceived size of the eyes is a crucial consideration in brow shaping. Often, newer artists believe that lifting the eyebrows can enhance the appearance of the eyes, making them seem larger. However, this isn't always the case.

Avoid Over-Lifting the Brow

Lifting the eyebrows too high might have the opposite effect, making the eyes appear smaller. The key is to find a balance that enhances the eyes without exaggerating the brow lift.

Lower Eyebrows and Larger Eyes

Positioning the eyebrows closer to the eyes tends to make the eyes look larger. In contrast, placing the eyebrows higher, further from the eyes, can create the illusion of smaller eyes. This understanding underscores the significant impact of eyebrow positioning on how the size of the eyes is perceived.

Eyebrow Position and Eye Inclination Perception

The angle of the eyebrows also influences how the shape and inclination of the eyes are perceived. Typically, the eyes follow the same directional tilt as the eyebrows. Therefore, subtly lifting the tail end of the eyebrows can create the impression of a gentle "lift" to the eyes. This technique is particularly effective when the upper edge of the powder brow or hairstrokes is raised slightly from the area of natural hair growth. Artists should approach this method cautiously, especially if the client has sparse hair in the tail section. Accurate mapping, sketching, and discussing the approach with the client are essential for successful outcomes.

Length Relative to Orbital Bone

Regarding the length of the eyebrows, if a thicker shape is chosen, it shouldn't be too short. The length should ideally be based on the skull shape, particularly the outer edge of the orbital bone, which can be felt as a ridge under the skin near the temples. If the eyebrows end significantly before reaching this point, they may not contribute effectively to making the eyes appear larger.

In summary, creating the illusion of larger eyes through brow shaping involves a careful balance of positioning, inclination, and length of the eyebrows relative to the eyes and the orbital bone. Understanding and applying these principles can lead to more flattering and harmonious results, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the eyes.

7. Additional Observations

The brow ridge plays a significant role in facial aesthetics, particularly in distinguishing male and female facial features. Typically, men have a more pronounced brow ridge due to higher testosterone levels; in women, it's usually less prominent. For female aesthetic enhancements, one common goal is to make the brow ridge appear less pronounced.

Impact of Brow Ridge on Eyebrow Shape

To subtly reduce the appearance of the brow ridge, artists should avoid eyebrow shapes that strictly follow the natural line of the ridge. Straight and overly angular brows can unintentionally highlight the brow ridge, giving a more serious or stern look. Instead, softer or curved eyebrow shapes can help downplay the brow ridge's prominence, contributing to a gentler facial expression.

Eyebrow Shape and Jawline Relation

The shape of the eyebrows can also significantly influence the perception of the jawline and overall facial structure. For clients with a round jaw and facial shape, it is generally better to avoid soft-arched eyebrows that could accentuate facial roundness. Instead, more angular brow shapes like those achieved with Soft Powder Brows can visually balance the face, creating an illusion of a more defined structure.

For faces with a narrow structure and a sharper, more triangular jawline, softer and potentially thinner brow arches can be more appropriate. These shapes can soften the angularity of the face, leading to a more balanced and harmonious appearance.

The Importance of a Holistic Approach

Embracing a holistic approach to facial pigmentation is essential. Instead of focusing solely on individual features like eyebrows, lips, or eyeliner, it's important to consider how changes in one area can affect overall facial harmony. Every facial feature contributes to the total aesthetic, and modifications in one aspect should be made with an understanding of their impact on the rest of the face.

A comprehensive evaluation of all facial characteristics is crucial before implementing specific aesthetic changes. This ensures the most harmonious and balanced outcome, aligning each feature to complement and enhance the overall facial appearance. Understanding these nuances is key for artists to achieve aesthetically pleasing results that align with the client's natural features and desired outcomes.

8. Conclusions

In the journey from novice to seasoned professional in brow mapping, a significant evolution occurs in the approach artists take. New artists often start by following traditional techniques taught in training. However, as they gain experience, they learn to customize their methods to each client's unique facial characteristics. This adaptability becomes crucial, as reliance on standard methods can lead to suboptimal results for atypical facial features.

Key Goals in Professional Brow Mapping

Experienced professionals focus on understanding the underlying bone structure rather than surface features like nose shape or hair pattern. This deeper analysis allows for more precise and flattering brow designs. The main objectives in professional brow mapping include the following.

  • Optimizing Eye Distance.  Be careful with the starting point of the brows, especially if the client's eyes are close together. Standard measurements like the Golden Ratio can exacerbate this closeness. Conversely, a proportionate reduction using the Golden Ratio may apply for wider-set eyes.
  • Forehead Height. Forehead characteristics vary significantly among individuals. Instead of relying on the hairline, consider the skull's bone structure. To reduce forehead height visually, opt for angular, thicker brows and avoid long, thin, curvy ones.
  • Enhancing Eye Appearance. Positioning eyebrows closer to the eyes can make them appear larger. Elevating the tails of the brows can also create an illusion of lifted eyes.

Other Considerations for Holistic Brow Mapping

Professionals also consider other facial aspects.

  • Counterbalance the Brow Ridge. Assess the brow ridge's prominence and choose an upper arch shape that complements it.
  • Jawline Balance. For round or wide faces, straighter, angular brows are more effective. Softer shapes are better for faces with sharper or triangular jawlines.

Ultimately, the goal in brow mapping is to view the face as a cohesive unit. Adjustments should harmonize with the overall structure rather than focusing on isolated features. This holistic approach ensures the brows enhance the client's natural beauty and contribute to a balanced and harmonious facial appearance.

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Friday, Jan 19, 2024

I think that this approach is much more sophisticated that the one my trainer explained to me. I never thought of this in that way. I think that every client is individual and this article helps to understand it very well! Keep on going!

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